February Frenzy

The February Frenzy is an annual handicap event taking place at Loch Lussa on the last Sunday of February. The race is a circular route with a distance of approx 6.5 miles, consisting mainly of forest track and road. It is an undulating course with a hill with a gradually climb, but there is a flat section along the route.

The race is run on a handicap system, but there is a twist in the run. The start is based at the same place as the finish. Each runner will be sent in seperate directions, the 'Heads' route or the 'Tail' route. The head or the tail route will be decided by the first runner, as each runner will not know how the runner who that is closest to them in ability is doing.

This is where the mental strength is tested and it makes it more interesting to determine which route is the toughest as they each have their own challenges!